There is often a very fine line between being over-trained and being undertrained. In the case of overtraining what happens is that the body is made to work extremely hard and it is not sufficiently rested. The imbalance that results does not do the bodybuilder any good but rather the bodybuilders continued efforts in this area become increasingly counterproductive.

The effects of overtraining are clearly felt with regard to the amount of glutamine that is retained in the muscles. The very strenuous exercises will deplete the glutamine and in fact after 4-6 hours the body will have nearly exhausted all its stocks of the same. The recovery from such a state will take approximately 24 hours. It is therefore very vivid that as a person insists on training strenuously for consecutive days he/she is depleting more and more glutamine before the body has even made a full recovery. The net effect is that one will be always deficient of glutamine in the body.

If this pattern is maintained the body becomes most severely depleted of this amino acid and in effect starts to lose the anabolic effects desired from the workouts. One enters the catabolic state where muscle loss is the order of the day. The more workouts that you will do after this point the more severe your glutamine depletion will become and you will start losing muscle seriously.

This is the condition that is referred to as overtraining syndrome and it is characterized by muscle loss and low levels of glutamine in the blood plasma. If this persists then the body manufacturing system for glutamine will become severely damaged due to the overtaxing strain put on it.

The deficiency of glutamine in this manner has negative effects on the person's health. The body of such a person is made more susceptible to disease as a result of lowered immunity. The lowered immunity is probably from the fact that glutamine is the key source of fuel for the cells of the immune system including the macrophages, the lymphocytes, and also the body killer cells. Glutamine also plays a critical precursor role in the synthesis or manufacture of nucleic acids. The nucleic acids are required for cell division.

There is a school of thought that has linked the requirement of metabolic-intermediates in the manufacture of critical molecules that are required once the body starts facing problems in the immune department. During these crisis times, lots of glutamine is used in the fostering of quick cell division, the synthesis of protein, and also in the manufacture of both cytokines and antibodies. The cells in the immune department are heavily reliant on blood plasma for the supply of glutamine.

In case the body is unable to meet the demand for glutamine then the immune cells will be severely affected and they will not be able to meet the challenge posed by harmful disease molecules. It is therefore important that one takes care not to over-train in any ay even if it is for the purpose of ego satisfaction.


Personal Trainer Chicago

Chicago Fitness Trainer

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either or

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