Most people are usually at a loss in determining what training pattern they will choose for optimal results. One of the main questions asked in as far as determining training frequency is whether the body should be trained on consecutive days. The answer is simple; as long as you are feeling sore in a particular body part you should not go ahead and train it. You should at last wait until a body part has stopped being sore for at least a day.

The more seasoned bodybuilders have found it more effective to divide the body workouts into the upper and lower body workouts. As such they are able to be in the gym on every single day provided that they do not repeat similar workouts. The guiding principle is such that you are advised not to skip gym for four consecutive days. Doing so will only result in inferior and mediocre results. For the novice it is good to skip a day before you go for training. You can choose to train on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This will give you a three times/week workout rate and this is just fine.

The other question is in regard to the training duration that is recommended per session. You should know better than to spend more than an hour in the gym. By prudently managing your time in doing the day's sets and reps you should be out of the gym in 45-60 minutes. Dismiss those who propose longer workout hours. This is a huge misconception. In bodybuilding there is a rule that maintains that 'less is indeed more'.

Then again, you can ask yourself a simple question; who can maintain high intensity for two consecutive hours while doing strenuous and tedious workouts. The answer is that only a superhuman can since you are only a mere mortal you should be content with the gains made within one hour daily.

Apart from the training duration and frequency we can also highlight some little other vital gym info. The bodybuilder will get more positive results if he/she is able top make the full range of motion for a particular workout regimen. This will bring about more optimized muscle development and the risk of getting injured will also be lowered. What about the time required to rest between sets? The recommended suggestion is to rest for as long as you can to get fully recovered from a previous set.

The typical amount of time required here is between 45 and 90 seconds. There are guys who take too long to 'rest'. Spending three or four minutes is very counterproductive because the muscles will start losing the heat they have accumulated. Resting for too long will also impact negatively on the time that you will spend in the gym. You will find that such guys spend so long in the gym and they have absolutely no results to back up their workout claims. The small muscle groups recover the fastest and obviously the larger ones will take longer.


Personal Trainer Chicago

Chicago Fitness Trainer

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either or

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